Book 2: I Do Have This: Healing Grief through Staying Connected has eight chapters.

chapter 4

Following some introductory posts in Book 2 (Posts 45 to 47), Chapter 4 (Post 47b), introduces the authoritative perspectives of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), who argued that it was possible to reconnect with people who had died — and have meaningful relationships with them. Steiner was an eccentric, clairvoyant, Austrian genius, whose research and writing have influenced dozens of disciplines today, from education to art, philosophy, literature, agriculture, and more. He also founded Anthroposophy, a spiritual movement.

chapter 5

Staying Connected: How to Continue Your Relationships with Those Who Have Died (1999) is an edited collection of Steiner’s meditations and lectures about staying connected with people who had died. As I began exploring Steiner’s approaches, I was concerned that what I was doing (by staying connected with Karl) might be harmful or pathological. I didn’t want to persist with something crazy. So I delved into the psychological research on bereavement. I report the results of my investigations in Chapter 5 (Posts 48 to 51).

It was a revelation, and it reassured me that I was on the right track, psychologically speaking, in staying connected with Karl.


The conversations in this part of Book 2 flesh out the bones of the healing model that emerged as I communicated with Karl, recording our morning conversations in my journal for twenty months. In Chapter 4 (Post 47b), I outline the specific components of Steiner’s theories that support my approach to staying connected.

chapter 6

Chapter 6 offers clear guidance for reconnecting with someone who has died (Posts 52 to 67).


Chapter 6 also introduces four chapters (Chapters 7 through 10) (Posts 68 to 156) that tell a story about the Gateways of Wisdom we may find along our healing path: Acceptance, Gratitude, Forgiveness, and Engagement.

Each of those chapters begins with a short description of the qualities of that Gateway, followed by the insights I gleaned from our conversations on that topic, quoting our actual words.

chapters 7 through 10

Here you hear Karl speaking directly from beyond the grave. Thought-provoking questions for a Reflective Pause guide the reader at the conclusion of Chapters 7 through 10 (Posts 68 to 156).

chapter 11

Chapter 11, the concluding chapter of Book 2, “Letting Go of My Old Life,” summarizes Karl’s guidance about staying in touch with our natural, intuitive wisdom. It is in Posts 157 to 159. It also explains why and how I broke off my structured daily ritual communication with Karl, how cutting the cords that bound us released both of us, and how I continue to live with him in my heart.

a huge lesson

Post 160 ends with a huge lesson and final correspondence with Karl.


Appreciations are my acknowledgements in Post 161.