Getting a Feel for It: Some ways of sensing the lessons of the Engagement Gateway

  1. SELF-CARE: How do I know or sense that I am spending enough time and resources on my self-care?
  2. IS SELF-CARE NOT ENOUGH ANY LONGER? Might I be getting the sense that I have had enough of self-care and want to do more with my life now?
  3. TIME TO GO OUT? What sorts of messages might life be giving me that it’s time to take my grief out into the broader community as service to others?
  4. MY LOVED ONE’S GIVEAWAY: What is the unique Giveaway or qualities that I associate with my departed loved one that I might want to embody in my life and activism now?
  5. A PET PROJECT: What was a pet project that my loved one had that I could now take up and engage with?
  6. MY GIVEAWAY: What is my unique Giveaway or qualities that I might want to use in my life and activism now to honor my loved one?