some ways of taking action about the guidance or direction of the acceptance gateway

  1. ACCEPTING HARSH REALITY: How can I find ways to allow my harsh new reality to dawn on me and to accept it without losing my balance?
  2. RISING ABOVE PAIN AND LOSS: How can I rise above my pain and loss to begin to accept my new reality?
  3. OVERCOMING DENIAL: Which steps can I take to overcome any denial I may have about my new reality? Which checks and balances might support me to stay clear and avoid denial?
  4. POSITIVE SELF-TALK: How can I use positive self-talk about my new life to keep my spirits up when I feel overwhelmed?
  • How can I learn to exercise my “help-me!” muscles?
  • How can I become comfortable calling for help?
  • How can I strengthen my capacity to believe that help will come to me?
  • How can I accept that some people may not always respond to my calls for help?
  • How can I accept that some people may not always respond in ways that will be helpful to me?
  • How can I hand over responsibility to others (including my departed loved one) to meet my calls for help?
  • How can I open myself up to accepting that magic and miracles can happen in my life?
  • How can I strengthen my ability to “feel the nudge” of a potential miracle?
  1. REFRAMING BAD NEWS: Which approaches can I use to reframe potentially “bad news” about my new circumstances into “good news” that will not frighten or overwhelm me?
  2. ACCEPTING REJECTION: How can I learn to accept rejection from others and still retain my balance?
  3. REDUCING EXPECTATIONS: How can I learn to live (at least initially) with lowered expectations about what I am capable of?